LED Kitchen Lighting
LED Kitchen Lighting
LED Kitchen Lighting as the main source of lighting in the kitchen area is not only more than possible, but easy and practical to install, far cheaper long term in respect of maintenance and electricity cost, and extremely user friendly. Because LED’s can be fitted in the most inaccessible locations, for instance where future access is not possible (chances are the LED’s will last longer than the kitchen fitment itself). LED’s are also very safe, shock–proof and water–proof running cool to the touch on just a mere harmless 12Volts.
Here (above) from ThompsonReModeling is a kitchen fitted with LED tape-strip lighting installed a couple of years ago showing a good application for these LED–strips.
LED’s can be brighter than traditional tungsten lights, are more practical, cheaper to run and user friendly as main lighting for most applications. LED’s are a low cost safe smart lighting solution.
LED’s are almost indestructible compared to filament lamps in fact the so called Propeller–Clock designed for use with LED’s would not be practical using traditional filamented tungsten light-bulbs. Light bulbs or lamps that illuminate by heating up a tungsten filament inside a glass bulb, will not able to light or extinguish fast enough resulting in a catherine–wheel type effect with little or no picture quality, in addition the filaments would be distorted by the immense centrifugal force 1250+rpm and quickly fail.
Propeller Clock from MarcellinoGER called : Ring Of Fire (below)
The video (above) shows the normal speed of 1250 rpm, this type of propeller–clock can be made to run up to speeds of over 2000 rpm for a clearer picture frequency.
LED Kitchen Lighting
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Hello, This is Neutek your LED supplier for this project. Found you by accident while posting my own LED projects of late. Search YouTube NITEBLASTER.
Would like to hear from you on your next project and share with you our latest products with much improved features, hue, and functionality. Please have a visit to CabinetLEDs and MassifLEDs web sites to learn more.
Neutek 480-898-0081
Good site! I really love how it, simple, well written. I am using Cool White 5M (16.4ft) 300 LED Strip Light Flexible tape
very good stuff works very well in my apartment.
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